Broadcasting – Manna Groups’ communication framework that assures information at any level, from any source both within and outside an organization, can flow directly to where it is most needed.
Broadcasting is distinct from management. Management is about keeping things going; it’s knowing how to do things right. There will always be a need for management, but knowing how to do things right is not the same as knowing the right things to do. That’s where Broadcasting comes into play. The promise and purpose of Broadcasting is to develop and lead the talent who’s job it is to discover the right things to do.
Broadcasting Book (PDF)
Article – Hut, Hut … Hut
Imagine the exhilaration you would feel if you knew your next product offering was going to be a success. Does such a situation ever exist? Well … yes! When your product is the first of its kind and the world is ready for it.
Now imagine the exhilaration you would feel if you knew your next product offering, which wasn’t a first of its kind, was going to be a success. Can such a situation ever exist? Well … yes! The way to make it happen is the promise and purpose of Broadcasting.
Broadcasting accepts that within everyone there resides a set of beliefs against which all messages are processed to determine meaning. Therefore to communicate successfully, messages must be constructed to parlay with these beliefs.
Very few customers accurately communicate what it is they believe. There is always something lost between what they believe and their ability to express what they believe. Broadcasters understand that it is observation not conversation that reveals true beliefs and therefore they develop the skill to identify customer beliefs by observing customer behavior.
The first task of Broadcasting therefore, is to identify what it is customers believe.
The second task of Broadcasting is to attract the talent capable of producing persuasive messages based on customer beliefs.
The best way to attract talent is to ensure the most capable person(s), regardless of rank or title, are granted the authority to perform. Nothing speaks more clearly about an organization than its willingness to recognize talent above all other considerations.
This is not always easy to achieve, but it is always preferable. Why? Because talent will always seek to perform in organizations that practice Broadcasting and non-Broadcasting organizations will always be seeking talent.